Monday, August 2, 2010

Downhill . . . everywhere

Against all odds, we made it out of Frisco. We’ve been having to pick the lesser of the two evils lately -- leave early in the morning and freeze, or leave later in the morning and get drenched by the afternoon rains. This morning we left our hotel at 10 a.m.

The Breckenridge/Frisco area is really biker friendly. Leaving our hotel, we jumped on a simple bike path to Silverthorne . . . or we should have jumped on a simple bike path to Silverthorne. Once on the bike path, our map read this: Turn left following bike path downhill. And then there was a detailed map of the bike path, which looked more like the blue print for a death defying theme park roller coaster ride.

AND everywhere you look is downhill! Which "left", "downhill" am I supposed to take? Every left is downhill! So we asked directions a lot. To which all the askees would throw up their arms in angst and reply breathlessly, “I’m not from here.”

Finally, we zigzagged our way out of the factory outlet malls and eateries and made it to Kremmling, Colorado. The riding was great and the rain held off. We’ve found a cute coffee shop, where you will be able to find us for the next four hours.



  1. So I would have thought that Colorado would have been awful -- knowing how you two hate hills and all.

    What gives? Were the earlier hills just longer, the terrain more boring or was it the wind and heat? Inquiring minds like mine want to know!

  2. The Rocky Mountains are a piece of cake! The climbs are longer BUT they are gradual climbs. The hills from the beginning of the tour were steep . . . . and it was really REALLY hot. And you're right, there are much better things to see here!

  3. I once saw a bighorn sheep on the side of the road in a snowstorm on the way to Keystone. Not as cool as biking, but still cool.

    The first and only time I've ever seen one in the wild.

    Also, I'm assuming it's much better without humidity. You have to drink more, but it keeps you cooler!

    Very interesting stuff. Can't believe you guys are as far as you are already. I thought it would have taken longer than it has.

    Watch out for snakes; they are big. :-)
