Monday, May 24, 2010

The countdown begins

Four weeks. Melissa and I are leaving in four (!?) weeks. We still have a few loose ends to tie and this past weekend was a big one for us. Some of the more important things we accomplished:
  • We cooked on the camp stove twice. And we both still have both of our eyebrows! And . . . this one is very important . . . Melissa figured out the "perfect grind" for the french press that we are taking.
  • I planned out ("planned" being a very loose word) the first couple weeks of the tour, looking at where we might camp each night. I realized biking across the country is going to take a long time! (Okay, I already knew this, but actually seeing it on paper was a different beast all together.)
  • We then (because of the aforementioned) had a small melt down about our June 21 departure date, wondering if we should be leaving earlier. Will we make it to Yellowstone before the roads become impassable from snow?! (Mmmmm, I guess we didn't actually accomplish anything here -- unless night sweats count.)
  • I also put together a first aid kit. So . . . if we do get hypothermia and frostbite while in Montana, at least we will have some antibacterial cream and Band-Aids to dress it.



  1. You know, I was wondering why I was installing that stuff on your Cannondales, and now I am happy to be a small part of it. Good luck to the both of you, I will surely follow your blog!

  2. Brooke,

    I have a good friend in Denver that I haven't talked to in a while.

    He rode with a bike team out there for quite a bit, and -- like you -- he used to ride 20 miles to work both way.

    It might be worth it to let him know when you're going through Denver. Maybe he could get some bike-types out to meet you and buy you dinner or something...

    His name is Derek Zachman; let me know if you want me to reach out to him before you leave work!

    Andy McMorrow

  3. you are living my dream. I'll follow your blog. you can always make a living writing a book about it!!

    From Diana, a fellow Nationwider.
