Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The past weekend was one of the last friend filled crazy beer swigging Brouhahas I will have the pleasure of experiencing for some time. At age 33, I cherish the familiarity of the friends I made in my 20‘s. They know me, and I know them inside and out. After countless hilarious shenanigans, goofy stunts at happy hours, botched relationships, laughs and tears, broken bones, and most recently dolly rides ending in stitches, these people are irreplaceable to me. There is so much history here. The weekend was bittersweet for me, because I know I’m leaving my friends and my life here behind. Change is such a mixed bag. It’s a blizzard of mixed emotions and inconsistent feelings. I know the challenging episodes involved in change will push me to explore my life with a renewed honesty. I want to discover the useful unknown truths about myself,.... blah blah. I could blather on here about all of the exhilarating experiences I’m sure to have on this journey, but it won’t take away the pain of change, the fear of loss. I miss my friends already, I don’t want new friends.


1 comment:

  1. Broken bones which were accompanied by handfuls of unidentified pain killers. I am so sad to see you go (selfish Amy.) I am excited for you to live a life of freedom from the mundane 9-5, as well as freedom of the open road ahead of you (unselfish Amy). I love you. We love you. You'll always have a place in my heart.
